New Haven Independent: Art Talks About A Revolution

“[Drew Keefer’s] compositions are funny and edgy, filled with bile and heart, the raggedness of the style balanced with a keen compositional eye. They’re perhaps most at home on the walls of Never Ending Books. Under the aegis of Volume Two — currently working toward full-fledged nonprofit status after a successful fundraising campaign has allowed […]

Come on down!

Greetings! As you may have seen, there’s been a lot of work going on at Volume Two (a Never Ending Books collective, formerly simply “Never Ending Books”). Books have been organized and re-arranged. There’s been a lot of painting (walls, floor, etc). There’s now a kids’ section in the back!  All this took a lot […]

Various updates!

Originally posted on our Kickstarter page for contributors: Hello all! Some of you may have received a recent email newsletter from us. We had an existing newsletter list and decided to add all of our Kickstarter contributors. So, if you read that, some of this update might be a bit redundant. But, some of you may […]