New Haven Independent: Art Talks About A Revolution

Painting - woman holding a rifle. "Hustle Hard: Same old shit just a different day out here tryna get it each and every way, mama need a house, baby need some shoes, times are getting tough, guess what Im'a do. Closed mouths don't get fed on this boulevard

“[Drew Keefer’s] compositions are funny and edgy, filled with bile and heart, the raggedness of the style balanced with a keen compositional eye. They’re perhaps most at home on the walls of Never Ending Books. Under the aegis of Volume Two — currently working toward full-fledged nonprofit status after a successful fundraising campaign has allowed a collective of about 10 people to keep the storefront community arts hub open — the space is much tidier and more spacious than it was. But it has preserved the vision and vibe of the storefront as it was before the pandemic. It’s still a place that feels somehow like both a sanctuary and a free-for-all, a place where things happen that don’t happen anywhere else. Maybe even a revolution.

Read more in the New Haven Independent.