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Kickstarter: Complete!

We knew that we’d done it, but we had no idea how much more love and support we’d receive on top of our goal. Thanks so much to each and every one of our supporters! 

For now, we can definitely have a year’s worth of funds to keep the storefront active. With vaccines rolling out, hopefully we can start creeping back toward hosting performances soon. 

What’s next? Signing a lease, incorporating as a legal entity, and — most likely — some trial and error as we work to make the space a sustainable entity in the same spirit it has always had. We’re excited and very hopeful. 

Reminder: You can sign up for our regular mailing list on our website (the form is at the bottom of the page)

While we’re on sound financial footing, we will still accept donations through PayPal, here:

Another reminder: Our next monthly IMAGINARIUM public meeting is 4/15 at 6pm. Zoom link here. Add to your calendar here. All are welcome!